Beef Tongue Tacos
by Jennifer Vazquez
(Knoxville TN, USA)
1 Beef tongue
1 Tbsp salt
1 Tbsp pepper
1 Tbsp garlic powder
1 onion (chopped)
corn tortillas
Cut thawed beef tongue into 3 or 4 big pieces, place in a pot of boiling water and boil for 2 hours. When tongue is tender and cooked through, take it out of the water and let it cool.
When cooled, cut off the outside skin. At this point you can cut off a lot of the fat at the bottom of the tongue, but I usually leave it.
Chop the tounge into small bite-size pieces (about 1/2" square pieces--the smaller the better). Fry them in a frying pan on medium-high heat until pieces are darker in color and almost but not quit crispy. If you have cut off all the fat, use 1-2 Tbsp of olive oil. If you leave the fat on do not use oil. Season with the salt, pepper and garlic powder.
And that's it. Serve with the warmed corn tortillas, chopped onion and your favorite salsa.
NOTE: This recipe is very high in fat!