Inside San Miguel Blog

The Archives

O n my Inside San Miguel blog, the site blog for this website, I like to chronicle the seasons, write about interesting happenings in town, or just describe a day in San Miguel de Allende. Trumpeter in a Marching Band, San Miguel de Allende

I've had a lot of email asking me to reprint certain blog posts that, through time, have slipped off the Site Blog page.

This is where you'll find them. Posts that no longer appear on my San Miguel blog will be archived here, in reverse order, the most recent posts at the top. Just click on the month-by-month links with the headlines of the post you want to read.

I won't bother to repost very short, time-sensitive articles, such as those about an upcoming concert, opening, or lecture. If you missed it, you probably don't need to read that it was going to happen!

What you'll find here are the posts to the Inside San Miguel Blog with a little more meat, the ones people seem to want to refer to again and again.

April, 2008

  • What do YOU Love about San Miguel?
  • Learn About Culinary Herbs & Other Edible Plants at El Charco
  • The Rughookers of Agustin Gonzalez

March, 2008

  • A New Invasion in San Miguel de Allende?— Starbucks comes to San Miguel.
  • The Solemn and Silent Processions of Good Friday
  • An Inspiring Viernes de Dolores, Friday of Sorrows and Night of the Altars
  • A Classic "San Miguel Afternoon"
  • A "Ni Modo" Kind of Day in San Miguel
  • The Directory of San Miguel... The Pictures of San Miguel

February, 2008

  • Jacaranda Alert
  • Another San Miguel Blog I Like

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