Spanish Language Schools in
San Miguel de Allende
¡Aprender Español!
S o you're ready to learn Spanish? Where do you go?
The Spanish language schools in San Miguel can help you reach the level of fluency you want. And because of the large foreign community, there are many Spanish schools to choose from. They use different approaches and teaching styles, and no one school is right for every student.
While checking the list of Spanish schools in San Miguel, think about how you learn, about what kind of class atmosphere and what approach seems to work best for you. Then decide which San Miguel Spanish school is right for you.
The Warren Hardy School

This is always my #1 recommendation for learning Spanish in San Miguel. A quick start in any new language is a great motivation to keep going, and the unique system Warren Hardy has devised will give you the basics quickly and painlessly.
Started in 1990, the school has become an institution and is probably the most popular of all the Spanish language schools in San Miguel. I'm proud to say I was one of Warren's very first students. He is a great teacher and motivator as well as an inspired innovator in how English-speakers learn to speak Spanish.
Warren's method is unique, and his school is where I learned my first Spanish. It wasn't easy—learning a language rarely is—but it was simple. It was also fun. And it worked.
The first level introduces Warren's unique concept of power verbs. By learning how to conjugate these half-dozen verbs, and combining them with other basic vocabulary, you very quickly learn to speak Spanish in whole sentences. Right away, you're able to negotiate your life in San Miguel more easily.
Warren's approach seems to work especially well for older students, who learn language differently than children and younger learners. Of the major Spanish language schools in San Miguel, it's the only one that does not use a "total immersion" approach. The basic explanations are in English so you "get" the concept, and that makes it easier to get the words. Then you'll practice them with native speakers and with other students. The method gives you the foundation of the language, so you have something to build on as you move through your new life in San Miguel.
Those who are very motivated to learn Spanish may find they want to move into a total immersion course somewhere else after acquiring the foundation here. That's what I did, and it worked well for me. For most of us, I think this is the best way to learn Spanish in San Miguel.
And if you're not yet in town or not ready for the classroom setting of a Spanish language school in San Miguel, Warren has a complete line of learn-at-home materials available through his website.
San Rafael 6
San Miguel de Allende
Guanajuato, Mexico 37700
Mailing Address:
PMB 184 B
220 N. Zapata Hwy. # 11A
Laredo, TX 78043
Phone: 9 am-noon US Central Time: 011-52 (415) 154-4017
Afternoons US Central Time: 011-52 (415) 152-4728
Academia Hispano Americana

This school is always my recommendation for those who want a "total immersion" way to learn Spanish in San Miguel. Established in 1959, it was the first of the Spanish language schools in San Miguel de Allende to specialize in the teaching of Spanish as a second language. It offers a Diploma in Spanish as a second language—the only Spanish language school in San Miguel or the state of Guanajuato to do so.
The school's approach combines learning in four areas: listening, speaking, reading and writing. It really is a full immersion course. The concepts, grammar and everything else is taught only in Spanish. You will be living in Spanish from the time you go through the doors of the beautiful 200+-year-old colonial building until you leave. Six hours of classroom work on grammar and conversation is followed in the afternoon by lectures and seminars in Spanish.
A friend of mine who has lived in San Miguel for many years and can communicate fairly well in Spanish decided she needed a brush up. She did the four-week half-day course. Her verdict: "Great! I should have done it years ago."
The Academia, as it's known locally, is the oldest and still one of the best of the Spanish language schools in San Miguel.
Contact:Academia Hispano Americana
Mesones #4
San Miguel de Allende
Guanajuato, 37700
Phone: 52 (415) 152-0349
Fax: 52 (415) 152-2333
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