Restaurants in San Miguel:

A Genuinely Fine Hamburger In
San Miguel de Allende

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S an Miguel restaurants have never been famous for their hamburgers. That honor has been left for the great late-night "Jardín hamburgers"—rich and greasy, loaded cholesterol killers...and delicious. I've been a big fan of them for years, especially after a night of good jazz or salsa dancing at Mama Mia's.

But there's a new entrant in San Miguel de Allende's Best Burger stakes. Oliver's on Zacateros opened in March, 2008, and already has a huge and fervid following of burger lovers.

Owners Jesús and Elly have created a bright, colorful and cozy room—just four tables—where the emphasis is on very high-quality ingredients, friendly service and good coffee. The beef is 100% Angus beef, the tomatoes are huge beefsteak slicers that cover the whole patty. Have it plain or order one of their creative combinations. You might like the Swiss burger with, um, Swiss cheese. My hands-down fave is the French burger slathered with a rich and tasty bearnaise sauce. Order it with fries—crispy skinned on the outside, soft on the inside, and very good.

There's also chicken filet burgers, a portobello mushroom burger for vegetarians, and wonderful Philly Cheese Steaks.

And Elly's home-made corn soup is worth getting on a plane to San Miguel for!

Next time the burger bug strikes, head over to Zacateros, right near the "flat-iron building" at Codo, to get your fix.

Oliver's - $$

Corre 37
(415) 154-7385
Tuesday through Saturday, noon-9pm
Sunday, noon-6 pm
Closed Monday.

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