So What's YOUR Perfect
San Miguel Weekend?

There's really no such thing as just ONE perfect San Miguel weekend. "Perfect" changes from season to season and from mood to mood. And everyone's idea of perfect is different.

Maybe your perfect 36 hours in San Miguel de Allende includes a round of golf, a hike in the country, a horseback ride. Maybe it includes an art or Spanish class, a walk with friends, voluntering at an orphanage, hanging out with a Mexican family. Perhaps you'd spend the whole time shopping, from bargains at the Tuesday market to high-end jewelry at Darla or a designer dress at Diva.

Let us know what your idea of perfect is. Use the form below to send us a description of your ideal way to spend a weekend in San Miguel de Allende.

Please try to keep your submission to 500 words or less (I know, I know, it's hard and mine was longer...). We'll add the best submissions to this section of the website. Special points if you tell us something we don't already know.

36 Hours in
San Miguel de Allende

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